Thursday, August 16, 2007

The Fun World of Toy Collecting

Collecting toys has been a way for adults to stay young at heart no matter how old they get. Despite how much they age on the outside, inside they still retain that childhood pleasure of playing with toys. It's never too late to start a toy collection and there are many categories to choose from. Think back to what you liked to play with when you were a child and begin from there.


Dolls are a favorite of women collectors. Often, a doll was one of the first toys that a little girl received and the joy of holding them and caring for them can be just as strong now as it was back then. There are many different types of dolls to collect. There are antique dolls, decorative dolls, baby dolls, ethnic dolls and fashion dolls. Some collectors even learn to make cloth dolls such as rag dolls. Others take great pleasure in making clothes and accessories so they can continuously change their dolls appearance. These hobbyists are proud of their collections and will often display them throughout their home.

Cars and Trucks

Men like to collect cars and trucks, and just like when they were children, they may still make the vroom sound as they push it around. There are also some women who like them too. Cars, such as antique cars can be pricey. There are also kits that allow the hobbyist to lovingly build their favorite models.

Other popular cars to collect are matchbox cars. They're small, so they don't take up much space and they come in many different models. A popular brand of truck to collect is Tonka. These trucks are work type vehicles, like bulldozers and dump trucks and many men played with them when they were children. They still bring a smile to the face of the men who collect them.

Plush Toys

Beanie Babies are highly collectible plush toys. They are made by Ty and are adorable representatives of just about every animal there is. They come in beautiful colors and the production for individual toys is limited, which makes them even more collectible. Another popular plush toy to collect is teddy bears. You can buy plain teddy bears or teddy bears that represent a particular era like the Victorian era, or an occupation like a fireman or doctor. Some hobbyists stick to one brand, while others like to collect from a variety of them.

Other Toys

There are many other kinds of toys to collect such as wooden toys. They have a nostalgic look to them and there are kits to make these as well. You can also collect puppets like marionettes, or hand puppets. The choices are practically endless.

By becoming a toy collector, you can leave the stressful adult world behind and re-enter the joyous world of a child.

Gregg Hall is an author living in Navarre Florida. Find more about this as well as Unique Collectibles Online at

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Saturday, August 11, 2007

Only Kids Are Allowed Toys?

I don't suppose there is no harm in not growing up.I mean through the eyes of a child,the world is an amazing place,full of wonder and awe.Starting a toy hobby as an adult should not therefore be seen as something odd or strange.Why should kids get all the pleasure?A toy hobby can go a long way to helping keep you young at heart.After all,do we ever grow up?

Dolls are a prime example,many women love dolls and never outgrow them.Antique dolls,decorative dolls and even fashion dolls are still collected by some women.Maybe they have an interest in crafting clothes and other accessories for their dolls as well as collecting them.This can lead to the hobbyist crafting their own figures in the form of rag dolls and ceramic head dolls.These special handmade dolls usually have an entire room in which they are displayed by their proud owners.

Cars and trucks in the form of diecast models are very popular amongst men.Models by Texaco and Coca-Cola can be very collectible and some are quite valuable too.Do you remember Matchbox cars and Tonka trucks from your childhood?If you collect these types of toys then you can safely say that your grandkids and their friends will have a great time either playing with,or looking at these models.

Beanie Babies are also a very popular toy that people collect.Beanie Babies come in all shapes and sizes in the form of velour animals.They each come with their own identity and a little humorous poem attached. They were originally intended as a childs toy but soon became popular amongst adults.A lot of Beanie Babies are in teddy bear shapes and these are added as an extension of a normal teddy bear collection.Teddy bear collections can grow quite huge and like doll collections usually have a room of their own in someone's house.

Good old fashioned wooden toys are also popular,either purchased or crafted by someone at home.Isn't there something enchanting about a handcrafted wooden toy being played with by a child?Doll's houses, games,puzzles and wooden vehicles are just a few of the toys that are hobbyists might collect.You might be suprised at the amount of adults who prefer old fashioned toys over the new electronic gizmos that are available.They find them noisy and irritable and much prefer the quieter toys.

Don't think that because you are now adult that you have to forsake toys.A toy hobby can keep you young and,who knows,maybe you can share your passion with your neighbours children and help them get off their computers.Whether you collect toys or craft them, a toy hobby can be great fun.

Alan Richardson is the owner of where you can find e-books on all types of hobbies and crafts.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The Hottest Toys for 2007

Year after year more and more toys flood the market, new trends rise, new trends die. Finally a trend comes along that will probably last for a while; Webkinz. Ok I must admit at first glance these look like a total gimmick to suck parents dry of every last dollar this year. However this toy crosses a barrier not many toys have been able to do. Not only are they cool, educational and fun, kids and parents alike seem to love them. Unlike many toy trends this one will last more than 1-2 years and you're about to find out why.

I know you are probably saying to yourself now (yeah right) but webkinz are different than other toys. They seem to come to life and children everywhere can't wait to get home and finish their homework to play with their webkinz online. So what is going to make them last you might ask? Tickle Me Elmo didn't last more than 2 years beanie babies they were great for a short time. Well the answer is simple; creation. When you go online with your webkinz pet you give it life into a game and then build your pet up and earn kinz cash after creating their pet and their world. Think of it as almost role playing a character that you created. Its also an interactive world that has limitless potential as long as Ganz continually updates the enviroment kids will be hooked at the changes. So you build your pet up in a new world and bring it all to life. Sure it could get dull at some point and it will as kids get older they won't want to play anymore, but new recruits can be brought in everyday. Unlike most toys that are just a physical doll or toy this brings entertainment to a new level. You get the physical products and the mental product of going into your own little world.

I see this trend lasting awhile I'd estimate about 5 years. Even after 5 years however it won't be dead it will have life for upwards of 7-8 years before fading out with the next new hot product that takes the world by storm. Webkinz bring a whole new element to the interactive experience that kids have longed for for years that outside of a video game or console system never really existed. Ganz will create new products each year that revolve in the webkinz universe that collectors and kids alike will have to get their hands on. Even as we speak some of the collectors pieces are going for over $200!

The trend will be determined by supply and demand right now supplies are low and eventually supply will meet demand and the trend will level off and fade away. It won't fade away for quite some time however because this product simply has it all. Parents think of it as a way to keep your kids out of trouble and away from violence all while enjoying their own virtual world.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Beanie Babies – A Piece of History

One could say the story of the Beanie Babies begins seven years before the first beanies, even see the light of day. In 1986 the company Ty Inc is established in Illinois in the USA. The founder is a man named Ty Warner and one can believe he was a man on a mission. The story has it that the beanie baby father was already a high powered toy sales man after working for another toy company, Dakin, for several years.

The Ty Inc company releases a few different collections before the beanie babies enter the scene in the year of 1993. Nothing would be the same again for the marketing genius of Ty Warner. The legend speaks of the Original Nine, a famous group of beanies that are forever enshrined in the history of toys and collectibles. They were Legs the Frog, Flash the Dolphin, Patti the Platypus, Spot the Dog, Patti the Platypus, Chocolate the Moose, Pinchers the Lobster, Splash the Whale and Cubbie the Bear (originally named Brownie the Bear). They are all first shown to the world at the New York Toy Fair of that year.

In the following two years the Beanie Babies go from a local Chicago thing to being a nationwide talk of the town. Ty continues his strategy of selling only directly to small gift and collectible stores. This is later seen as an important part of create the enormous myth around these lovely little creatures. So called experts expect forecast that the Christmas of 1995 will be beginning of the end for the Beanie Babies, but the following year proves the utterly wrong and nothing could be further from the truth.

In the year of 1996 sales grow tenfold! Stores are screaming for more beanie babies and Ty is working hard to keep up with the demand. The legend has it that he even has to lease large airplanes to get all the beanies out to the stores in time for the Easter rush. Ty continues to tightly control the whole business and the website is launched creating a place in cyberspace where Beanie Baby trades can take place. Here also for the first time one can actually follow the retiring of the different characters, another part that contributes to the big craze around these toys.

The rest as they say, is history. Sales surpass 250 million dollars in 1996, Ty is interviewed in People Magazine and Forbes Magazine. Beanies Babies become one of the the largest crazes in toy history and with the step from just mouth-to-mouth into traditional advertising in 1996 they become unstoppable across the globe.

Kari Eriksson is an infopreneur and takes great interest in the Beanie Babies. He runs his site where you can find articles, links and useful resources in regards to Beanie Babies.

Article Source:

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Beanie Babies – The Original Nine

These Beanie Babies have become known as Original Nine, a named filled with wonder amongst collectors around the world. It is as legendary as maybe Fantastic Four or Oceans Eleven. Or maybe these Beanie Babies launched in late 1993 at the New York World Toy Fair just plain play in a division of their own.

As with many new introductions there were people who were sceptical. They nicknamed these beanies Road Kill. This due to their all new design, which included being somewhat understuffed and containing a mix of traditional stuffing and the all new beans. The design made it possible to place your beanie baby in various positions, sitting or laying down.

The concept was simple, plush animals with a small number of colors and some facial expressions added. More than the beanie babies themselves what also became a vital part of their fame was their hang tags. In the beginning most people removed these tags, at this time they did not have the later poems on them either, but later collectors kept the tags on there and the most valuable beanies today all have their hang tag intact. Several pages have been written on the topic of these hang tags and it might well be possible to base a doctors degree on the research of these tags. With the years the came in a multitude of variations.

Back to the group known as the Original Nine. These beanie babies were named Cubbie the Bear (originally named Brownie the Bear, Splash the Whale, Patti the Platypus, Squealer the Pig, Legs the Frog, Pinchers the Lobster, Chocolate the Moose and Spot the Dog. As with all Beanies, these have been retired during the years. When the concept of retirement was first introduced by Ty Warner in 1996 the fame of the beanie babies really took off.

Of the beanies mentioned above May of 1997 saw the retirement of Flash and Splash. In October the same year Spot and Legs did the same. The following year, 1998, all the other five were retired with Chocolate the Moose being the last one in December of that year.

Though they have now retired these Beanie Babies will forever be remembered as the ones who made it all happen in those early years together with their father and creator Ty Warner. Today it is hard to believe that originally the beanies were actually meant for kids to play with!

Kari Eriksson is an infopreneur and takes great interest in the Beanie Babies. He runs his site where you can find articles, links and useful resources in regards to Beanie Babies.
Article Source:

Monday, July 2, 2007

Buying Genuine Beanie Babies

With the popularity of Beanie Babies, there is a problem with counterfeit or copy beanie babies on the market. Some copies are easy to spot, but some are getting quite clever in their attempts to sell less than true quality products. To be sure of only buying the genuine article make sure that the seller can be easily contacted and try to ensure that they are a reputable dealer who shows references on their website and feedback from other customers.
If you are already a collector then you will probably know what to look for in a genuine article, but if you are not familiar with the real thing then it is best to seek advice before buying so that you avoid the disappointment of falling for a replica. There are many Beanie Baby shows which are a good place to get the feel for the fabric and feel of the beanie. It is worth remembering that replicas are usually imperfect copies in more than one respect, so there may be several tell-tale signs of being a counterfeit.
The tags are usually the biggest give away for a replica, try to learn about the different generation hang tags and tush tags and the way that the information is printed on them and the wording that is used.
About The Author
Gary Prestwich
It was such a disappointment for my daughter when we all realised that her pocket money that she'd been saving had been spent on a counterfeit beanie baby, so I published this website about Beanies

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Only Kids Are Allowed Toys?

I don't suppose there is no harm in not growing up.I mean through the eyes of a child,the world is an amazing place,full of wonder and awe.Starting a toy hobby as an adult should not therefore be seen as something odd or strange.Why should kids get all the pleasure?A toy hobby can go a long way to helping keep you young at heart.After all,do we ever grow up?

Dolls are a prime example,many women love dolls and never outgrow them.Antique dolls,decorative dolls and even fashion dolls are still collected by some women.Maybe they have an interest in crafting clothes and other accessories for their dolls as well as collecting them.This can lead to the hobbyist crafting their own figures in the form of rag dolls and ceramic head dolls.These special handmade dolls usually have an entire room in which they are displayed by their proud owners.

Cars and trucks in the form of diecast models are very popular amongst men.Models by Texaco and Coca-Cola can be very collectible and some are quite valuable too.Do you remember Matchbox cars and Tonka trucks from your childhood?If you collect these types of toys then you can safely say that your grandkids and their friends will have a great time either playing with,or looking at these models.

Beanie Babies are also a very popular toy that people collect.Beanie Babies come in all shapes and sizes in the form of velour animals.They each come with their own identity and a little humorous poem attached. They were originally intended as a childs toy but soon became popular amongst adults.A lot of Beanie Babies are in teddy bear shapes and these are added as an extension of a normal teddy bear collection.Teddy bear collections can grow quite huge and like doll collections usually have a room of their own in someone's house.

Good old fashioned wooden toys are also popular,either purchased or crafted by someone at home.Isn't there something enchanting about a handcrafted wooden toy being played with by a child?Doll's houses, games,puzzles and wooden vehicles are just a few of the toys that are hobbyists might collect.You might be suprised at the amount of adults who prefer old fashioned toys over the new electronic gizmos that are available.They find them noisy and irritable and much prefer the quieter toys.

Don't think that because you are now adult that you have to forsake toys.A toy hobby can keep you young and,who knows,maybe you can share your passion with your neighbours children and help them get off their computers.Whether you collect toys or craft them, a toy hobby can be great fun.

Alan Richardson is the owner of where you can find e-books on all types of hobbies and crafts.